Jennifer Firmalan, MSN RN, is Vice President of Workforce for Einstein II Internal Resource Pool (EI...

Jennifer Firmalan, MSN RN, is Vice President of Workforce for Einstein II Internal Resource Pool (EI...
Q&A with a Former Provider Compensation Director
Managing provider relationships is complicated. From initial contract negotiations to ongoing compen...
How Heisenberg II Creates 23x ROI (or more) for Users Few healthcare organizations think about provi...
Social Media has been an integral part of everyone’s life. Over a period of time it has not only hel...
Hospitals are hiring more providers than ever, and that comes with an often-overlooked complication:...
The global demand for contingent labor is rising, and rising fast. In the United States alone, an av...
Without a dedicated provider compensation management platform, health systems and medical groups str...
Most business organizations have a bounty of data available to them, and this is definitely true of ...
Our health IT solutions transform labor-related challenges into better relationships, improved efficiencies, and massive cost savings.